Executive Secretariat(ES)

This department is the office of the Executive Director and one Deputy Executive Director is leading the department. This department acts as the eye of Executive Director and every report, letter and other document goes through this department before being place to the Executive Director. The department checks and analysis the documents by its own and if needed asks for assistance of the other departments. At present there are 7 staff working under this department.
Key Activities of Executive Secretariat (ES)
• Synchronize all departments of the organization.
• Take initiative to update policies & policy compliance.
• Strengthen and ensure adequate internal control and risk management.
• In-depth report & budget analysis and department status reports.
• Oversee special projects.
• External liaison & correspondence as well as internal departments & units.
• Guide affiliated units/cells (eg. Audit, Monitoring, Documentation, Public Relation, Training, IT).
• Facilitation in publishing annual report, other publications, updating website, maintaining other social media etc.
• Assist and arrange necessary resources in preparing project proposals, EoI, concept papers.
• Representing the organization at different forum.
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Our Location
46 Mujib Sarak, Jashore-7400, Bangladesh.
Send A Message
E-mail: es@jcf.org.bd
PSEA Hotline
Mobile Number: +8801711806978