Internal Control & Risk Management

There are two separate units under this and those are Audit, Risk Management & Compliance Unit and Monitoring, Evaluation & Research Cell. The Audit, Risk Management & Compliance Unit is currently lead by one Assistant Director and there are a total of 42 members in this unit. The Monitoring, Evaluation & Research Cell is currently lead by one Senior Assistant Director and there are a total of 13 members under this Cell. The Chief of both Audit, Risk Management & Compliance Unit and Monitoring, Evaluation & Research Cell is reportable to the Deputy Executive Director of Executive Secretariat who ultimately supervise the units with the prior consent of the Executive Director.
Key Activities of Internal Control & Risk Management
• Authentication of the validity of all financial records, reports and statistics.
• Ensuring standard accounting practices in the organization.
• Verify all purchase of the organization, track record of disposal of the assets of the organization and update management about efficient use of the assets.
• Prevention and early detection of fraud, corruption etc.
• Compliance with applicable law and regulation.
• Undertake special investigations when required by the management.
• Monitor implementation of field activities, reporting and guide management to increase project implementation quality.
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