Jahid wanted to be a police officer in future

Per Kukrali is one of the disaster-prone areas in Satkhira Sadar upazila and experienced Cyclone SIDR in 2007 and AILA in 2009 & floods also. It is 5 km from a big canal that caused water logging in the rainy season & Northwester in March & April. Md. Jahid Hasan is an inhabitant of this area. Jahid used to live with his father Md. Saiful Islam, mother Aleya Khatun & a younger sister Mst. Khadija. Jahid was an Out of School (OoSC) student when he was 10 years. As his parents were not cautious about the necessity of education who were day laborers living in hand to mouth situation in a small hut engaged Jahid to work as day laborer. Jahid was not regular in his work and was playing here & there. One day, while Jahid was playing around he noticed ABL Center where several types of learners come and receiving education using different types of playing & learning materials. There he noticed that learners are learning by singing, dancing in several groups. He talked with the learners and came to know that the learners learning in the ABL center have no homework and has the flexibility coming to the ABL center at any time between 11.40 AM to 5.00 PM. Jahid told his parents and showed his interest for admitting into ABL center. At first, his parents didn’t show much interest to admit Jahid to ABL center but when they found that he is irregular in his work they decided to admit Jahid in the ABL center. They came to ABL center talked with ABL teacher and came to know that if Jahid has 85% attendance in the ABL center then Jahid will get 100-taka stipend in each month. Jahid’s parents showed their interest admitting Jahid into ABL center. ABL center’s teacher took a base line assessment and admitted Jahid to green group which is equivalent to grade 2 in the year 2016 when Jahid was 10 years old. Jahid started his educational journey in Per Kukrali ABL center. At first, he was not so attentive in his study. But slowly, after adapting with the environment, having friendship with other ABL learners Jahid have had attentiveness in ABL center. He was a good learner having 74% marks in unit assessment in his monthly assessment/test & also has 95% attendance in the ABL center. Moreover, he could sing beautifully. But suddenly, in 2017 Jahid’s parents separated & Jahid was sent to his grandfather’s house along with his mother. There he was admitted into a government primary school where he didn’t get much interest as he was habituated studying in ABL method. He dropped out from the primary school and started going here and there during the school time. As his mother was disturbed due to her family problem and has to engage herself as a laborer and for less consciousness about the necessity of education, she didn’t show interest sending Jahid again in study. Jahid came back to his father in 2018. ABL teacher of Per Kukrali maintained regular communication this time so that Jahid’s journey towards education could sustain. After coming back the ABL teacher Halima admitted Jahid again in Per Kukrali ABL School in Green group. Jahid started education again in ABL center. Here, he continued up to 30 December, 2018. After that, Jahid was mainstreamed along with his friends to Per Kukrali GPS in 1 January 2019. Per Kukrali teacher undertook regular follow up of Jahid so that Jahid won’t be dropped out again. She convinced Jahid so that he could end the journey of education. Jahid told that he has a dream and wanted to be an honest Police Officer in future.
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