Executive Director’s Message
I am glad that JCF has been able to provide an informative web-site. The best of my concern I firmly believe that this site could be handy to all stakeholders currently involved with JCF or those have interest about us. We believe with the statement ‘Information Is Power’ and with a view to follow the RTI Act of Govt. of Bangladesh we have revealed all information and data here so that one could easily gather the basic information of JCF and contact with the concerned person or department if have the need for detailed information.
The site is containing all update news of the organisation such as: activity photos, case studies, annual reports, vacancy notice, detail information of different programs, awards, development partners, working areas, registration authority etc. At present JCF is implementing Microfinance Program largely but also implement programs like Resilient Livelihood, Education, Environmental Sustainability, Human Rights & Social Justice, Health Intervention and Social Businesses.
I acknowledge the contribution of all JCF staff in developing and updating the site and also like to express my gratitude to our development partners and well wishers for providing their valuable feedbacks, advices and guidelines in this regard.
Md. Azadul Kabir Arzoo

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46 Mujib Sarak, Jashore-7400, Bangladesh.
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E-mail: es@jcf.org.bd
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Mobile Number: +8801711806978