Nur Jalal Shishu Ananda Nikaton
The long term objectives are to initiate nutrition and health program for children of the rural areas, to initiate ability based learning approased remedial education programs for children who are not able to cope with the school syllabus and require special intervention and to have a strong resource and information center.
The proposed project aims to create a positive environment for the children, provide access to education, motivating community and parents to participate in a child’s education needs and improving enrollment at the pre-primary and primary school level.
1. To ensure that less number of drop-out cases occur at the primary and secondary level of schooling.
2. To ensure that the children acquire the basic pre-primary education skills, e.g., identifying numbers, letters, etc.
3. To create a better schooling condition for the children.
4. To strengthen trust of the people in the locality to promote education.

Major Component/Activities
- Creating pre-school facilities in the village/community
- Reducing school dropouts from formal school due to the main reason that they not being able to cope with formal schooling environment and course curriculum etc.
- Encouraging children to attend formal school
- Encouraging parents engagement in School activities
- Support to GoB primary school by reducing huge children pressure in the early grades
Operation Area
January 2008 – On going
Focal person: Nahin Akther
Sub Assistant Director (Program), Tel: +88-02477760169
Own Fund
No. of Students
No. of Employee
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Our Location
46 Mujib Sarak, Jashore-7400, Bangladesh.
Send A Message
E-mail: es@jcf.org.bd
PSEA Hotline
Mobile Number: +8801711806978