Women Forum has been formed to ensure the appropriate facilities for women at workplace based on existing service rules and gender policy of Jagorani Chakra Foundation. Women staff can share their experiences, both positive and negative through this forum. This forum will listen to all women staff working at management to field level and will assist them getting their entitled facilities. This forum will act irrespective of any cast, religion, color, political and personal views.
To ensure eligible benefits and safe workplace for women.
- To provide scope to give opinion regarding service.
- To encourage women’s active participation in all organizational works.
- To ensure justice after proper verification and investigation against any specific complaints through authority.
- Ensure rights and safety for all level women in the organization. It will also work to implement all entitled benefits and facilities of the service rules and gender policy.
- Women staff of the organization can place any complaints verbally or written to the Women Forum.
- Propose the new actions required for the betterment of women staff.
- Work for quick settlement of any specific complains after proper verification and investigation in consultation with concerned authority. The identity of the complainant will remain confidential.
- The Women Forum in not a forum like Trade Union. The Women Forum will coordinate between the women staff and the organization.
- This Forum will not involve in any personal or family problem of any women staff.
- Take any step in contrast of the service rules and administrative activities.

মেরিনা আখতার

নাহিন আক্তার
সহ- সভাপতি

অঞ্জলী সরকার

সুলতানা রাজিয়া

নাসরিন আরা

লতিফুন নাহার

খাইরুন মিনা
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46 Mujib Sarak, Jashore-7400, Bangladesh.
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E-mail: jcjsr@ymail.com
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JCF Nari Forum
Mobile Number: +8801322889311
E-mail: jcfwomenforum@gmail.com